#1 Bestselling Author ~ Psychic-Medium ~ Speaker

Angel & Spirit Oriented Classes
Click link below to be taken to class description you are interested in.
Angels of Abundance Online Masterclass
Angel Oracle Card Reader Certification
Connecting with Your Guardian Angels Online Masterclass
Healing with the Angels - Reclaiming Your Soul Light
Intuition & Psychic Development 101 - TBA
Mediumship Development Circle - TBA
Messages from the Angels (Heaven) - A Soul Family Gathering
So, You Want to be a Medium - Mediumship 101- TBA
Reiki Classes
Reiki - 3A Degree - Master Practitioner
Reiki - 3B Degree - Master-Teacher
Reiki Re-Attunements, Refresher Classes and Repeating Classes

Connecting with Your Guardian Angels Masterclass
In this 90 minute online masterclass, you will learn about your heavenly support crew who have been with you since the incarnation of your soul.
Your angels wish to develop a 2-way relationship with you and therefore want to help you understand how they communicate with you daily. In this masterclass, you will learn how you too can get answers to your life questions, receive insights or solutions to some of your mind or heart worries from your angels.
If you have ever felt that you weren’t alone but didn’t know who was watching over you, then this is the workshop for you! Now is your chance to discover who and how they have been interacting and how you too can work with them.
Brian will guide you in a short meditation to clear, connect and empower your Angelic connection and open you to receiving your Angels heavenly blessings.
Join Brian D. Calhoun (and other like-minded individuals from around the world) in this interactive and experiential from the comfort of wherever you are located today.
Be warned that connecting and working with your Guardian Angels daily can lead you to an improved quality of life, more happiness and joy in your life.
Space is limited, sign up today!
Next Class Date: Wed. Feb 12, 2020 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (EST)
Location: Online Webinar
Cost: $20.00 – Full payment required upon registration to guarantee your spot in this class. Register early.
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Angels of Abundance Masterclass
Are you ready to connect and work with the Angels of Abundance to create and live an abundant life? Are you tired of struggling and living a life less than you deserve? Then this is the workshop for you.
In this 90 minute online masterclass, International Bestselling Author - Brian D. Calhoun will take you on a journey as he shares his story of financially struggling and receiving an eviction notice to manifesting 3 months of back rent in less than 2 weeks, and how you can too.
You will also discover where you may be limiting or blocking yourself from genuinely living and having an abundant life. Connect with the Angels of Abundance and learn how you can work in tandem with them to improve the quality of your life. Learn to create and open your prosperity mindset so that it is attractive. Learn what abundance is and more.
During this interactive webinar, Brian will take you on a short healing journey to help you clear and heal your abundance past so that you can step into your new and prosperous future.
If you are ready to manifest a life filled with abundance and prosperity, then this is the workshop for you.
Be sure to sign up now to ensure your space to up open up to your true worth and divine inheritance today from the comfort of your own home.
P.S. Everyone no matter what their abundance or wealth status will benefit from this workshop.
Next Class Date: Wed. Jan. 29, 2020 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (EST)
Location: Online Webinar
Cost: $20.00 – Full payment required upon registration to guarantee your spot in this class. Register early.
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Angel Oracle Card Reader Certification
Are you fascinated by the world of oracle cards? Have had your cards read? Or perhaps, dabbled in reading the cards for others?
Are you ready to step up your game and go from being interested to being a professional card reader?
Perhaps you are lacking confidence in your abilities or aren’t sure where to begin?
This course is designed with you in mind!
Join Brian as he takes from where you are to where you wish to be in this one-day certification class.
During the first part of the class, we will discuss the basics. Here you will learn:
A brief history of the cards (including what they are and are not)
Learn to consecrate your deck
Create sacred space for yourself and your client
Connect with your Angelic Messenger Support Crew
Discover the specific ways you receive messages and how to develop your gifts
Learn ways to clear and recharge yourself and the cards energetically
Learn to read the cards, including to interpret the signs and symbols
Learn various spreads for readings
The second part of the day will include:
Learn to create your own deck
Creating your own spreads
Using multiple decks
Learn to work with your support crew when giving readings
Delivering bad news and dispelling the myths of oracle cards
Discover and explore the realms of reading for romance, finances, health, yes/no questions, and more
A discussion of some of the challenges faced as a reader and how to move through them
Setting up your Oracle Card business (your ideal clients, costs, marketing, interacting with clients, ethics. etc...)
And more
If you wish to develop your intuition through the use of cards this course will help you with that.
If you are wanting to be of service to help others find the answers they have been seeking through the use of oracle cards this course is for you.
If you have been wanting to improve the quality of your life and manifest what you have been dreaming of, this course can help you.
If you are reading to add to your services that you can offer your clients this course is sure to be of value to you.
Whether you want to build an online or in person platform of reading cards professionally, you will have the skills to have a successful career as a Certified Angelic Oracle Card Reader.
You will walk away feeling confident in your abilities to read for others and for yourself. You will have a greater connection the cards, your own intuitive gifts and with spirit.
Upon completion of the requirements of this course, you will receive a certificate certifying you as Angelic Oracle Card Reader that’s suitable for framing. A designation that will show the world you have undergone the training and have a deeper understanding of the cards to give professional readings around the world.
Note: Bring your own oracle card deck or two to class to work with. This course centers around Angel cards but any of your favorites shall work.
Next Class Date: Sunday. March 29, 2020 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Location: Ottawa - Centretown Location
Cost: $160.00 – Minimum 50% deposit required upon registration to guarantee your spot in this class. Register early as spaces are limited. Bring your own lunch.
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted; cash payments due at start of class (with prior arrangements made)
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Healing with your Angels – Reclaiming Your Soul Light
Come and bask in the Angels Love and Light as Psychic-Medium - Brian D. Calhoun channels a one-hour group healing session.
At the start of your session, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself and set your intention with the group as we form a healing circle together. Brian then shall begin calling in your personal heavenly support crew, along with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to envelop you and your goals with the divine energy perfect for each.
Throughout the circle, you will receive the balancing, clearing, healing and aligning of your body, mind, spirit and emotions that may be required for your personal intention and journey. You will be taken through guided meditation with the heavenly team throughout the circle where you may receive healing, gifts and messages throughout your time together.
Sign up today and nourish yourself with the gift of healing, enlightenment and relaxation with your Angels guiding the way.
Next Class Date: Wed. March 4, 2020 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (EST)
Location: Worldwide Tele-circle
Cost: $20.00 – Full payment required upon registration to receive call-in details
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Messages from Your Angels (Heaven) - A Soul Family Reunion
Come meet and connect with your Soul Family at our next worldwide family reunion from the comfort of wherever you are.
During this 90 min interactive session, Psychic-Medium Brian D. Calhoun will open the gates to Heaven’s Kingdom to deliver messages from the Angels. Each month’s heavenly share will be unique and will include a short meditation that is sure to awaken you to be the master you are while blessing your life in divinely perfect ways.
As a bonus for those participating live on the call, shorter individual messages will be delivered from your personal heavenly support crew.
Be sure to register today with Brian to ensure your place on the call.
Note: After the formal part of the session, you will have an opportunity to “sit” and chat with your fellow Soul Family attendees to network and socialize.
Next Class Date: Friday, Feb 14, 2020 - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (EST)
Location: Worldwide Tele-circle
Cost: $20.00 – Full payment required upon registration to receive call-in details
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

The word Reiki (Ray-Key) translates to mean Universal Life Force Energy. It is through an in-class empowerment process, the Master-Teacher connects the student to the divine lineage of Reiki to expand the light.
All classes are kept small, between 1-4 students. This allows for more personalized space for healing, questions and sharing. Each level includes instruction, meditation and hands-on practice of the techniques. Attunement, manual and certification included for each level.
There are 4 Levels or Degrees in the Usui System of Natural Healing, which is explained below.
Reiki - 1st Degree
This level begins our journey with working physically on our Body, Mind & Spirit. In this class, you will learn:
The history of Reiki
Reiki definition (including description, benefits and principles)
Receive a brief introduction to your energy system
Learn the art of Laying-on-of-hands (both for self and for others)
How to give a complete Reiki treatment for yourself and others
Group and Animal Reiki will also be discussed
Ethics of energy healing
And more
In-class supervised practice time for self care and giving Reiki to partner on a chair or massage table.
Class Date: Sunday. Feb. 2, 2020 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Next 1st Degree Class: Late Spring 2020
Location: Ottawa - Centretown Location
Cost: Heartfelt Donation Based includes Reiki Empowerment, Manual & Certification (Suggested Donation $100.00 -175.00) - Deposit Required to save your space, remainder due at start of class
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted; cash payments due at start of class (with prior arrangements made)
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Reiki - 2nd Degree
This level continues our journey with beginning to work on the Emotional/Mental level of our Body, Mind & Spirit. In this class, you will discover:
Three sacred, powerful Reiki symbols to enhance your practice
Learn the history of the symbols, how to draw, invoke and utilize each
Ways to use Reiki to clear and create a sacred space in your home or office environments
How to clear, charge and program crystals with Reiki
Discover how to send Reiki across time and space to heal and clear root issues for yourself, situations and even others who aren’t in the room with you.
Ways that Reiki can help you heal and break free of addictions, patterns and habits that no longer serve you
And more
In-class supervised practice time for self care and giving Reiki to partner on a chair or massage table. There will be a brief review of level 1.
Class Date: Sunday. March 1, 2020 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Next 2nd Degree Class: Summer 2020
Location: Ottawa - Centretown Location
Cost: Heartfelt Donation Based includes Reiki Empowerment, Manual & Certification (Suggested Donation $175.00 - $250.00). Deposit Required to save your space, remainder due at start of class
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted; cash payments due at start of class (with prior arrangements made)
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html
Reiki - 3rd Degree (3A Reiki Master Practitioner / also known as Advanced Reiki)
This level continues our journey with working on the Spiritual levels of our Body, Mind & Spirit. In this class, you will continue to raise your vibration to align with the power of your universal light. You shall discover, learn and practice:
Two sacred, powerful master Reiki symbols to enhance your practice
Learn the history of the symbols, how to draw, invoke and utilize each
A Reiki meditation to strengthen and expand your consciousness
Advanced Reiki techniques to solve problems and achieve goals
Set up and charge a Reiki Crystal Healing Grid for continuous energy flow
Advanced energy enhancement exercises
Etheric Surgery to remove stuck and stagnant energy blockages
Meet your Reiki Guides
And more
In-class supervised practice time for self work, and giving Reiki to partner on massage table. There will be a brief review of level 1 and 2.
Next Reiki Master Practitioner (3a) Class: Sun. April 5 , 2020 - 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Next Class: Summer 2020 - TBA
Location: Ottawa - Centretown Location
Cost: Heartfelt Donation Based includes Reiki Empowerment, Manual & Certification (Suggested Donation $250.00 - $350.00). Deposit Required to save your space, remainder due at start of class
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted; cash payments due at start of class (with prior arrangements made)
Registration: https://fs20.formsite.com/hbRH6y/ygy9aa5dd2/index.html

Reiki - 3rd Degree (3B - Master-Teacher)
This level is for those ready to make a serious commitment to being in service in the world as a Healer, Guide and Teacher. In this class, you will continue your journey of expanding your light and begin empowering others. You will discover, learn and practice:
Three sacred, powerful Reiki symbols to enhance your practice (Learn the history of the symbols, how to draw, invoke and utilize each)
The Reiki Master Meditation
The Healing attunement that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful attunement energies to help heal
Learn the empowerment process to pass Reiki (For all levels up and including this level)
Self-Attunement; Distance Attunements
The values, ethics and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master
Reiki values for success on all levels
Tips for creating a successful Reiki business
Formulating and teaching classes
And more
In-class supervised practice time. Previous levels will be reviewed briefly.
Next Reiki Master-Teacher (3b) Class: By Request
Location: Ottawa - Centretown Location
Cost: Heartfelt Donation Based includes Reiki Empowerment, Manual & Certification (Suggested Donation $300.00 - $400.00). Deposit Required to save your space, remainder due at start of class
Payment Methods Available: E-transfer or Credit Card (with CC 3% processing charge) accepted; cash payments due at start of class (with prior arrangements made)
Registration: Contact Brian D. Calhoun at 613-322-7362 or email him today to register.
Reiki Re-Attunements, Refresher Classes and Repeating Classes
Offered by Scheduled Appointment Only
Reiki Re-Attunements for those that seek to rededicate and reconnect to their practice is provided by me. Proof of certification is required (copy of the previous accreditation, if not with me). Not a full class and cost is a Heartfelt Donation
Reiki Refresher classes are also available for all levels. Proof is required of certification class attended (if not taken with me). You will attend the class appropriate for your level of review. Private review classes are available. Cost: Fee to be discussed
Repeating Class: Previous students of mine are always welcome to redo a level previously taken with me. Heartfelt Donation fee is required (suggested 50% of previous donation)