#1 Bestselling Author ~ Psychic-Medium ~ Speaker

Book Reader Reviews
"When I read The Gift Within the Darkness by Brian D. Calhoun, I now had a better understanding of how to be process the loss of a loved one.
In his book, Brian talks about how grief changes ones perspective and our lives as we learn to live with it. Throughout his book, Brian shares his intimate details of how death touched him with the loss of his mother, relatives, pets, and friends. And even though death is heartbreaking and shocking, Brian demonstrates that we all have the power to heal and grow through it rather than let it stop you from taking part in all that this world has to offer.
If death has touched you or a loved one, and you are struggling for help or answers, then this book is for you. Brian offers techniques to help be present, to work at communicating with other family members and friends, and to clear your mind space so that you can return to balancing your life. As well Brian teaches us about the reconnection process and how using all of the previous techniques from all of the chapters will help you continue to move forward on our life’s journey.
In this book I found enlightenment and healing. And now that I have the necessary tools to help me through my daily routine, my life has improved overall as I know my loved ones are right there with me. I recommend this book to anyone to everyone that is going through hard times from death. Thanks Brian."

Jimmy R. - Canada
"I received a copy of The Gift Within the Darkness by Brian D. Calhoun from a good friend of mine. Thank you.
I was thrilled to find that Brian had written a personal note to me. Autographed plus!
I have read the book from cover to cover... and will be reading it for a second time to be sure that I have not missed any of the thoughtful nuggets of insight into life beyond death.
Everyone that lives will die. No exceptions... a fact of life that seldom becomes easy to accept. I choose to believe in life after life.
May God bless you Brian as you continue to help grieving people heal."
Mary Anne B. - Canada
The Gift Within the Darkness by Brian D. Calhoun: "Thank you Brian for introducing me to your book and also taking time to write a personal little note . It has helped me enormously on not just the grieving of my mom but also on other aspects in my Life. Best wishes in writing what comes from your heart."
Louise Belleau Turcotte - Amazon Review
The Gift Within the Darkness by Brian D. Calhoun: "This book has truly helped me see the gifts in my Grieving. How to see the Gifts in the Darkness is a true Gift in itself! Life is full of beauty and learnings... this book helps us see those..I truly recommend this Gifted book :) Thank You Brian! xo"
Unknown - Amazon Review
The Gift Within the Darkness by Brian D. Calhoun: "This is a life changing book! The author is very gifted and this book is so healing in nature - it truly can change the way we feel about death and losing the ones we love. the exercises and stories in this book are so powerful and transformative - you have to take breaks while reading this book in order to process it and reflect on it's wisdom- this is such a unique and highly focused book in its genre - it serves humanity in its highest cause - this author is amazing!."

Ryan - Amazon Review
HALO: Lighting up Heaven on Earth: "Turn on your television or computer at any given point in time and you are bound to see accounts of war, poverty and suffering. It is too easy to slide down that slippery slip into hopelessness. Having lost close relatives in close succession has left me vulnerable to feeling lost. Then books like this enter into our lives. Thanks to the experience and wisdom of the contributors, hope is once again restored. Life becomes light and love. You feel inspired not only to live the light but to spread it. Fear, sadness and hopelessness dissipates with every single story of inspiration contained in these beautiful pages. I cannot recommend this book enough."
Kim Gauthier - Amazon Review
HALO: Lighting up Heaven on Earth: "Absolutely beautiful read. Wonderful shared experiences. This book really does light up heaven on earth."
Roxane - Amazon Review
HALO: Lighting up Heaven on Earth: "This book is powerful. I am amazed at the beautiful writing that has helped transform my soul in every which way. God bless all the writers and the journeys they went on. It will my little treasure to go to."
Cindy Robbins - Amazon Review
Guided by the Light: Following Your Angelic Guides "This book is amazing! Divinely guided stories of how Angels have helped others in their lives! I can't recommend it enough. It's top shelf for me!"
Heartlight - Amazon Review
Guided by the Light: Following Your Angelic Guides "interesting book with each chapter by a different author telling their stories of what they interpret as spiritual intervention ..Very interesting, providing food for thought...."
Unknown - Amazon Reviewer
365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments that Changed Everything: "I really appreciate reading what happened in peoples lives that made a shift for them. It seems that we all have moments of clarity and inspiration that define our life story. I am grateful to come to know all these authors and discover what else they do and how they show their authenticity in the world!"
Lindsay Godfree - Amazon Review
365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments that Changed Everything: "Perfect book to help you with those life changing moments that can teach us how to shift into someone better..."
Lori Evans - Amazon Review
365 Life Shifts: Pivotal Moments that Changed Everything: "Very short one-page submissions about pivotal, transformative moments in the contributors lives. Some of the entries resonate more than others. The book offers an eclectic mix of different life experiences and the big and small transitions that the writers encountered. This is a quick, light, enjoyable read. Good variety of material, though it seems condensed for brevity rather than depth."
Susan M. Baumann - Amazon Review

365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time: "This lovely book of short, sweet, personal messages is like having an old friend with a gentle hug at the ready any time I need one. I like the broad groupings of message types to help steer me if I am feeling like I need a particular kind of 'hug', but most of the messages transcend multiple groupings. I feel like I can open the book anywhere and just read until I hear what I need in that moment. A lovely gift for yourself or anyone on your list. Thank you to so many beautiful souls for sharing their wisdom, love and guidance with the rest of us."
DFP - Amazon Review
365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time: "This is a wonderful collection of messages from people like you and me, who received messages and understanding from Spirit when they needed it. Every story is a delightful. You can read one every day starting from today or simply open the book at where the message is most meaningful. A lovely bedside companion and gift for others."
Melody R Green - Amazon Review
365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time: "Is life full of magic? Is the bond of love stronger than anything eveneven death? Is there something bigger than us? Based on this book of 365 moving and inspiring TRUE stories, the answer is a resounding yes! With each story being one page long, this book offers the perfect quick pick me up. It is the perfect way to create a small quiet place to rest and recharge your batteries. A wonderful way to start and end your day. A book which can be read again and again."
Sylvie S. - Amazon Review