#1 Bestselling Author ~ Psychic-Medium ~ Speaker

Light Body Activations & Energy Sessions Available
Click link below to be taken to service information you are interested in.
Energy Clearing and Restructuring Session
Energy Clearing and Restructuring Session
As a soul having a human experience, we sometimes pick up energies (or hold onto stuff that no longer serves us at this time), this can be from current or past life experiences.
In this session, Brian (working with the Angels and Guides) will utilize his intuitive gifts to find and remove the energy structures holding the old energy of what no longer serves you. Brian will clear (and restructure, as required) all seven layers of your energetic bodies (physical, mental, emotional, casual, brain-etheric template/blueprint, astral, and auric fields). All your physical & nervous systems, meridians and chakra energy centers will be cleared and balanced through this process.
Some examples of things cleared and removed through this session are:
Heavy, dark and dense energies
Foreign energy and debris

Fears, Traumas, aches and pains
Emotional baggage (including stress, grief, anger, depression)
Stuck and stagnant energies, and blockages
Draining Cords and attachments
And everything else no longer serving you (and that you are ready to release).
If these do not get removed eventually, they will begin to manifest and interfere with the physical levels of our being and life. If you have: any reoccurring patterns and habits, energy blocks or drains, aches and pains, emotional upheaval, stress, illnesses, allergies, inflammation, addictions or other dis-eases and symptoms then you would benefit from this session.
When healing has taken place, most recipients feel relief and experience physical improvement quickly, especially as integration of the session occurs.
Note: Depending on how deep the roots are sometimes multiple sessions will be required to fully clear the problem (like layers of the onion) in gentle ways. Even still, many clients report having felt positive the benefits after just one clearing and restructuring session.
Imagine not having to process the same stuff over and over while it is working its way out of your etheric body! This session helps you release the energy, free and clear, so you can get on with living your best life today.
​Are you ready to clear the energy of yesterday?
Are you ready to set yourself free of reoccurring patterns and habits and finally move forward?
Are you ready to embrace a life of health, happiness, abundance and joy?
Heartfelt Donation Based (Suggested Donation $100.00–$200.00)
90-Minute session
Available In-Person (Ottawa)
Absentee (Distance) Sessions (via Telephone or Skype/Zoom) are also available while you relax in the comfort of your home.
Note: A Special Clearing Formula is also available at an additional cost of $25.00 to support you further on all levels; this is recommended but is NOT a requirement to experience results.
Light Body Alignment and Harmonizing Session
Assists your Manifestation Capabilities
As a soul having a physical experience, we sometimes need a little extra assistance with maintaining balance in our body, mind, spirit and emotions, including our external relationships and life.
​In this session, Brian will work with the Angels and Guides using various energy techniques to bring your energetic body back into alignment on all levels.
​To support your overall health, balance and harmony of body, mind, spirit, emotions and life. Brian will clear any of the energetic blockages, reconnect and strengthen your connection to your highest self. You will be balanced and aligned on all levels of your energetic, magnetic and elemental bodies to ensure you are in harmony with your higher self.
Brian will clear any cords, attachments including karmic ties and matrixes to support greater health and harmony in your overall relationships, thus clearing inherent patterns,
behaviours, and beliefs no longer serving you further. Removing these will assist you in moving forward without further need to continue to process the karmic ties.
Example: Back pain and problems are often connected to the past and carry karma ties. Therefore, clearing the karmic matrixes can bring greater ease to the body, mind, and emotions over time.
​To support your ability to manifest and meditate more effectively, Brian will also look at your elemental energy structures of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. In doing so, he (along with your Angels & Guides) will open, rebuild, repair, and align these structures (as required) within the etheric body. Balancing your petal structures will allow you to carry greater light, have increased flow, access and alignment in life, and assist you with manifesting your true heart’s desires quicker.
Harmonizing your light body structures helps raise your vibrations for healing and enlightenment and brings about transformation in your life to the next level.
Are you ready to let the past go and move forward? ​
Are you ready for the next level of balance, harmony and light in your life?
Are you ready to manifest your heart's desires for your life?
If you answered yes, make today the day you book your 60-90-minute Energetic Body Balancing and Harmonizing Session with Brian.
Heartfelt Donation Based (Suggested Donation $100.00–$200.00)
60 - 90-Minute session
Available In-Person (Ottawa)
Absentee (Distance) Sessions (via Telephone or Skype/Zoom) are also available while you relax in the comfort of your home.
Note: A Special Clearing Formula is also available at an additional cost of $25.00 to support you further on all levels; this is recommended but is NOT a requirement to experience results.

DNA Activation
We are all more than our physical bodies and the DNA is essentially an electronic storage device coded in love and light. Our DNA holds the key to our unique blueprint as a soul having a human experience; this includes everything since the incarnation of your soul, including your spiritual gifts, lineage, life purpose, lessons, contracts and so much more. But the DNA is more than all this; it is the blueprint of us as a Divine Being!
The 24-Strand DNA activation activates, empowers and clears the strands so that they can carry more of your divine light and energy.
Archangel Metatron (one the Archangels who oversees this work) says some benefits of this activation work includes:
Assists you in bringing in and holding more light in your physical body
Empowers you maximize your unrealized talents, abilities and potential
Having more energy and clarity
Strengthening your Immune system
Facilitates the clearing and releasing the old, worn and unconscious patterns (and all else) no longer serving you
Increases the use of your brain for your everyday “muggle” life
Opens you up to full connection and integration of your Higher Self, and your greatest potential
Allows for clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns (both past ancestors and present familiar lineages)
Your body has a consciousness of it's own and it needs your cooperation as it moves through the many changes that lie ahead. This tool of empowerment will assist your body and your consciousness in integrating your Divine light, as well as evolving into your full potential quickly and peacefully.
This activation is a tremendous gift that will assist you in your own healing process at deep levels. Isn't it time to achieve all you can be in this lifetime?
Further Benefits of the DNA Activation
This increase in Light within your body is specifically focused to create the Physical Side of Ascension. Remember, the potential of light manifesting within the physical body is limitless! Anything that is called a "manifestation of Light" will be the result. Light manifests differently in each person.
We cannot tell you specifically what it will do for you. Generally result of the activation is: The Gifts of the Spirit which you are born with will be brought to full empowerment; your intellectual, intuitive and creative gifts will be amplified; your ability to manifest will develop; you will awaken to your birthright of Divine Connection and more.
Isn't it time to achieve all you can be in this lifetime? Surely, you will agree, you too can benefit from one or more of the benefits of the DNA Activation today.
If you are one who said yes, take action by contacting Brian today. Your DNA Activation appointment awaits!
Total investment time is 90 minutes including consultation time and activation. The 24-Strand DNA Activation is an once-in-a-lifetime procedure. It never needs to be done again, though you may prefer to have a periodic “tune-up” to facilitate the integration process.
Heartfelt Donation Based (Suggested Donation $150.00–$200.00
60 - 90-Minute session
Available In-Person (Ottawa)